Rebate Programs

Efficiency PEI Rebate

This rebate is for all homeowners with an extra boost for lower income households. It requires an application process and an energy evaluation before and after the work has been completed.

Canada Greener Homes Initiative

A federal rebate program that offers grants up to $5,000 and interest free loans up to $40,000 that’s repayable over ten years. This program is also for all homeowners and again needs a pre and post energy evaluation.

PEI Free Insulation Program

This insulation rebate program is for lower income  Islanders to be eligible you must have an annual house hold income of $55,000 or less, you must own your home and it must be your principal residence and the property must be valued at $300,000 or less (tax assessed value).

Switch Programs

The Switch Programs for Charlottetown and Stratford offer homeowners and landlords


Home owners could also be eligible for for an additional $10,000 in incentives from Efficiency PEI

and $5,000 in incentives from the Federal Greener Homes Grant.